Chunking Method: How Breaking Down Tasks Can Skyrocket Your Productivity and Habit Formation

Rode & Ankor
3 min readSep 13, 2023


We’ve all been there: in front of a massive task or project, feeling overwhelmed, and wondering where to even begin. Whether it’s launching a new business, writing a novel, or even decluttering your home, such sizable tasks can be very daunting. But there’s a secret to tackling these giants: “chunking” them down.

By breaking a mammoth task into smaller, manageable steps, you can boost your productivity and lay the foundation for lasting habits. We’ll dive deeper into this approach in this article and uncover its transformative potential.

The Science of Chunking

Chunking is, at its core, a cognitive strategy that involves breaking down information into bite-sized pieces so the brain can more easily digest it. Think of it like eating. Instead of trying to swallow an entire apple in one go, you take bites to make consumption more manageable and efficient. Similarly, chunking breaks a large task into a series of smaller steps or actionable tasks that make the overall project more digestible.

Boosting Productivity with Chunking

So, how can you use chunking to boost your productivity? There are many benefits to breaking down a task into smaller, more manageable steps. Some of which include:

  1. Eliminating Overwhelm: Facing a colossal task often leads to paralysis by analysis. When you’re unsure where to start, you typically end up not starting at all. Chunking simplifies the process. Instead of seeing a single mountainous task, you see a series of molehills, each one more approachable than the last.
  2. Keeping Clear Direction: By chunking your tasks, you essentially create a roadmap for completion. Each small task becomes a milestone. As you check them off, you’re able to track your progress, and the path forward becomes clearer.
  3. Promoting Focus: Working on smaller tasks allows for more focused work sessions. Rather than being scattered, trying to multitask various aspects of a large task, you can channel all your energy into completing one chunk at a time. This is both more efficient and effective.
  4. Achievable Rewards: Every time we complete a task we get a rush of dopamine — the “feel-good” neurotransmitter. By breaking tasks into chunks, we set ourselves up for multiple hits of dopamine as we progress through these chunks. This not only feels great but also keeps us motivated to keep moving forward.

Improving Habit Formation with Chunking

Habit formation is not about making big changes overnight. It’s about the consistent, tiny changes that accumulate over time. This is where chunking can play a pivotal role.

  1. Building Consistency: By focusing on smaller tasks, you are more likely to be consistent. For example, if you wish to form a habit of reading, instead of aiming to read a whole book in a week, you can start with a chunked goal of 10 pages every night.
  2. Fostering Resilience: Even if you falter on one small task, the entire project doesn’t get derailed. You can easily get back on track with the next chunk, thus reinforcing the habit of bouncing back and pressing on.
  3. Eliminating Intimidation: Big goals can be scary. Wanting to lose 50 pounds sounds daunting, but aiming to lose 1 pound a week is less intimidating. By focusing on the smaller task, you create a mental environment conducive to habit formation.
  4. Continuous Feedback: Chunking allows for regular assessment. Each completed task offers feedback. If one approach doesn’t work, you can adjust before moving onto the next chunk, ensuring your habits evolve and improve.

Embrace the Power of Chunking

The next time you find yourself confronted with a Herculean task or a habit you wish to form, remember the power of chunking. It’s not about the quantum leaps but the small, consistent steps that propel us towards our goals.

By breaking tasks into chunks, you’re not diluting the challenge; you’re mastering it, one piece at a time. Whether it’s productivity or habit formation, chunking is a game-changer, turning mountains into molehills and dreams into realities.

Let’s do this.

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Rode & Ankor
Rode & Ankor

Written by Rode & Ankor

Lawyer, entrepreneur, and productivity and habit formation enthusiast. Learning every day. Writing every other day.

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