3 Small Changes You Can Make Now To Start Living Better
I think the title is pretty self-explanatory, so let’s jump right in.
There are many things you can do to make your life better, so what I want to make sure is clear, is that what I include here are not the best 3 things you can do, but rather 3 things you can start doing now with little effort and yielding the most bang for your buck.
In this short article I’ll focus on two things you can do for your body and one thing you can do for your mind.
1. Be Intentional About Being Present
Nowadays, there are so many external pressure points weighing down on us, pressuring us to be ON all the time. Social media, the economy, politics, competitiveness, peer pressure, family expectations, hustle culture, etc. What we tend to forget is that old quote that says:
“Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.”
I believe the quote is attributed to John Lennon. But, in any case, the words hold truth. Think about how many times you have stopped living life because you have been planning for the future. And, although it may be a hard pill to swallow, we never know if that future will actually get here — or actually, if we will make it to that future.
This doesn’t mean you should just live a careless, reckless life. Instead, I would propose that every now and then — ideally at least once a day — you slow down, go for a walk, call a family member, chat with friends, grab a meal with someone, meditate, read a book, or do something that makes you feel calm and that slows your brain down.
This is a great way to choose yourself above everything else and really do something that is good for you. The hustle will still be out there waiting for you when you come back from your break.
2. Be Mindful of How You Fuel Your Body
Sometimes we tend to forget that our body and mind are not two separate, independent things. We depend on our bodies to do so much that we often take them for granted. You don’t really know how much you need your body to be in good, functional shape until you get sick, and suddenly, even the most trivial things feel impossible.
Three easy ways you can make sure you’re treating your body right:
✅ Drink plenty of water.
All the time. Sure, it may not be great to have to go to the restroom every so often but believe me, your body will thank you. You skin, hair, and energy levels will reflect a good, hydrated body.
✅ Treat your body to good, whole food as often as you can.
I’m not trying to encourage you to go on a diet or anything of the sort. But what I would suggest is that you at least make an effort to feed your body highly nutritious food every so often. I love a burger as much as everyone else, but while your tastebuds get all the fun, your body is the one that carries the weight — literally. Whenever I feed my body crappy food a few days in a row, I can feel my body reacting slowly, sluggish, and have an overall sense of exhaustion without good reason. Whenever I start feeding it whole food, I can feel myself more energized and my body in great sync with my mind.
✅ Use your body.
Don’t abuse it, but use it. Talk it out for a spin! Our bones, muscles, joints, and fibers were not designed to be sitting down all day, every day, in front of a monitor. Whenever you can, choose to give your body a bit of a friendly challenge.
Use the stairs every once in a while. Go out for a walk. Play a random sport with friends. Not only will you easily grow to enjoy the process, but this will hit two birds with one stone because it will also touch on point #1 above.
And that’s it. These are three easy changes you can make to your life that require just a bit of effort but that will yield huge results in your quality of life.
Let’s do this.
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